A Brief Overview of the Challenges Involved in Key Management for EMV Personalization : The Main Actors of EMV Personalization

3 min read

Key Management Challenges for EMV Personalization

The EMV personalization data processing in itself is not the topic of this article, we will instead focus on the cryptographic schemes involved in...

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An Overview of the Different Key Block Formats

2 min read

An Overview of the Different Key Block Formats

A key block is a unique piece of cryptography that is used to protect cryptographic keys while they are being sent over networks that might not be...

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Payment & Banking: An Introduction to z/OS and the IBM Common Cryptographic Architecture

4 min read

An Introduction to z/OS and the IBM Common Cryptographic Architecture

IBM’s mainframe computers have been a rock-steady part of banks’ security infrastructure for many years. Originating from the local data-center...

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3 min read

Introducing the Digital Signature Activation Protocol for Remote Server Signing

This article explains the digital Signature Activation Protocol (SAP) in the context of eIDAS-compliant central signing. It sheds light on its...

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A detailed diagram showing the various steps involved in mobile payment tokenization

4 min read

How to Secure Mobile Payment Apps with Tokenization

The use of mobile payments is expected to continue to rise and become the second most popular payment method after debit cards by 2022. Analysts...

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Horses galloping across a field, rendered in black and white representing the speed and reliability of remote electronic signature services

4 min read

Remote Electronic Signatures: How to Improve Performance and Scalability

National digital signature schemes that utilize remote electronic signature technology can achieve very high usage rates, whereas Trust Service...

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3 min read

Understanding IBM CCA & the Importance of Banking-grade Key Management

The IBM Common Cryptographic Architecture (CCA) is a cryptographic platform providing several functions of special interest for securing financial...

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2 min read

NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization: SIKE Bites the Dust

Just a month ago, NIST announced its selection of three digital signature algorithms and one key establishment mechanism (KEM) for future use in...

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3 min read

Advantages of Centralized Key Management

Traditionally, end-to-end lifecycle key management was achieved through inefficient paper-based procedures and highly resource intensive tasks...

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