3 min read

7 Tips for Correct Usage of Encryption to Secure eGovernment Processes

Encryption has become the most essential part of securing data online. The biggest headache to the Cybersecurity industry is a data breach. The last...

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3 min read

How to Deploy and Manage Cryptography in a Project the Right Way

With the ever increasing number of online services and electronic transactions, business owners are becoming ever more dependent on the use...

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What You See Is What You Timestamp – A Cost-Effective Acceptance Method to Guarantee Non-repudiation document acceptance for Legal Archiving Purposes

2 min read

What You See is What You Timestamp: An Attractive Alternative to QES

In this article, we proposeWhat-You-See-Is-What-You-Timestamp (WYSIWYT) as an attractive alternative to Qualified Electronic Signatures, for certain...

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Person in an apron clicking a green arrow on a large touchscreen display

5 min read

Electronic Signature Use Cases: Which Industries MUST Use E-signatures?

Certain industries have a duty to protect confidential information, as well as a requirement for authentication - proving that a document was sent by...

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3 min read

NIST Releases Quantum-Resistant Cryptography Standards. Act Now!

An over five-year-long process has come to a preliminary end: On July 5, 2022, NIST issued the long-awaited announcement of the winners of Round 3 of...

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Converting Key Blocks from one to another One Format to Another: How It’s Done and in Which Sectors

2 min read

How to Convert Key Blocks

There are several types of key block formats used in different industries, especially the retail banking industry. The systems that use these key...

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3 min read

Integrating PSD2 and eIDAS

With the introduction of PSD2, banks are forced to provide third party payment service providers (PSPs) with access to the bank’s customers’ account...

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5 min read

Resolving Common Pain Points of Key Management

Many organizations struggle with cryptographic key management for multiple reasons. However, these pain points can be resolved with the right tools.

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Payment Security - Cardholders

4 min read

EMV Payment Security - Cardholders

Cardholders (or consumers) are one of the corners of the ‘four corner’ model in the payment card world. Here we take a brief look at the payment...

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