eIDAS Trust Services – Strengths and Challenges in Implementation

3 min read

eIDAS Trust Services – Strengths and Challenges in Implementation

A study published in early 2018 by the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA), revealed that 90% of the respondents...

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Why a Key Management System Must Understand ANSI X9.24/TR-31 Key Blocks

3 min read

Why Key Management Systems Must Understand ANSI X9.24/TR-31 Key Blocks

The PCI Council requires most actors of payment networks to implement ANSI X9.24/TR-31-compliant key blocks to wrap and securely transmit, transfer,...

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5 min read

The Weakest Link in Many Cryptosystems - Part 2 of 2

RSA, a short recap In a public key scheme, and for the sake of simplicity, assume a public scheme based on encryption-decryption (as opposed to e.g....

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2 min read

What is the right user interface for a Key Management System?

User interface design and usability are the deciding factors in attaining a good user experience for most IT deployments, including key management...

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Understanding the Concepts of Bring Your Own Key

3 min read

Understanding the Concepts of Bring Your Own Key

Bring your own key (BYOK) is a popular term relating to key management for cloud applications. However, a lack of standardization makes it confusing...

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IBM's z15 Mainframe - Security, Resilience and Secure Key Management for Financial Service Platforms

3 min read

IBM z15 Mainframe & Secure Key Management for FS Platforms

Banks continue to feel the profound transformational effects that digital technologies have on their business. This can be seen in the creation and...

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4 min read

How Tokenization May Reduce False Declines

This article discusses how tokenization may reduce false declines with credit card transactions that could negatively impact merchants.

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3 min read

What is a Crypto-Abstraction Layer?

A crypto-abstraction layer (CAL) is, in its most general sense, an application programming interface (API) - also known as a library- that hides...

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Introduction to Cryptographic Key Blocks - FAQs

2 min read

Introduction to Cryptographic Key Blocks - FAQs

This article proposes answers to a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about key blocks.

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