
3 min read

eIDAS Enabled Solutions:  Market and Stakeholders Analysis

The ultimate aim of regulations like eIDAS is the creation of a true Digital Single Market (DSM). eIDAS plays its role by providing the necessary...

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A crowd of people gathered outside a neo-classical building in a European city, holding royal blue balloons

3 min read

The UUM&DS Project – How eIDAS Improves the EU’s Customs Interface

With each passing year, the volume of international trade in goods and services keeps rising. With all of this trade, however, comes an associated...

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4 min read

Air India's Data Breach - data security is more crucial than ever.

Recent global events have demonstrated that high-profile hackers and state-sponsored security breaches have been steadily increasing since 2020. It...

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Payment Security and Key Blocks: Why are key blocks so secure?

2 min read

Payment Security and Key Blocks: Why are key blocks so secure?

How can keys be securely exchanged over potentially unprotected channels? The answer to this question is “key blocks”. A key block is an essential...

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3 min read

The Federation of eID Providers: A Polish Perspective

The growth of electronic identification systems has been different for each European country during the past several years. European countries have...

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3 min read

Centralized Key Management Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

Over the last 10 years, enterprises have moved on from decentralized and distributed key management to centralized key management systems to provide...

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5 min read

Introducing a PCI DSS compliant Key Management System to a Bank

A key management system is a critical component in achieving PCI DSS compliance for a banking institution. It involves implementing a crypto system...

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3 min read

eIDAS - What You See is What You Sign (WYSIWYS) for Non-Repudiation

What You See is What Your Sign (WYSIWYS) is a term that is used to describe an enhanced level of data integrity within a digital signature system....

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4 min read

Integrating Microsoft Banking Accelerator with On-prem Key Management

The cloud services provided by Microsoft Dynamics 365 are gaining rapid market share in the banking world. A burning question for the security...

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