4 min read

Tokenization in Banking and Financial Services

Tokenization is a generalized concept of a cryptographic hash. It means representing something by a symbol (‘token’).

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3 min read

Why a Banking Key Management System Must Support Atalla Key Blocks

Invented by Mohamed Atalla, the Atalla key block is the root of all key blocks. All over the globe, hundreds of millions of financial transactions...

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A person peeping through a set of white Venetian blinds

3 min read

Why Native Code Obfuscation Techniques is Essential for Mobile Apps

In the mobile environment, source code is often distributed without enough security. Programs compiled as bytecode, such as the ones developed for...

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5 min read

W3C's suggestion for a Web Cryptography API

The World Wide Web Consortium or W3C as it is commonly known was founded in 1994 by the original architect of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. It...

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8 min read

Securing the Life-cycle of a Cryptographic Key

This article discusses the main phases involved in the life-cycle of a cryptographic key, and how the operational lifetime of a key and its strength...

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6 min read

Symmetric Cryptography & Key Management: Exhaustion, Rotation, Defence

With data protection standards, such as GDPR, and the sheer mass of data that companies collect and accumulate, the protection and control of...

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A light brown praying mantis poised on the end of a leaf

3 min read

10 Anti-debugging Techniques for Mobile Banking and Payment Apps

In the mobile environment, while debuggers are legal and legitimate development tools, hackers can also use them to reverse mobile banking and...

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2 min read

Addressing HTTPS Vulnerabilities in Mobile Banking and Payment Apps

Here we describe some of the HTTPS vulnerabilities in the context of mobile banking and their countermeasures.

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2 min read

The need to manage both symmetric and asymmetric keys

A well-rounded solution for securing digital transactions includes the use of both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and keys. Each method of...

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