Digital Signatures (2)

Horses galloping across a field, rendered in black and white representing the speed and reliability of remote electronic signature services

4 min read

Remote Electronic Signatures: How to Improve Performance and Scalability

National digital signature schemes that utilize remote electronic signature technology can achieve very high usage rates, whereas Trust Service...

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Person in an apron clicking a green arrow on a large touchscreen display

5 min read

Electronic Signature Use Cases: Which Industries MUST Use E-signatures?

Certain industries have a duty to protect confidential information, as well as a requirement for authentication - proving that a document was sent by...

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3 min read

Integrating PSD2 and eIDAS

With the introduction of PSD2, banks are forced to provide third party payment service providers (PSPs) with access to the bank’s customers’ account...

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2 min read

The eIDAS-compliant Printout of a Digitally Signed Document

This article describes a model that could enable an electronically signed document to be printed out and used as an original in legal proceedings, in...

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3 min read

The four pillars of eIDAS

The eIDAS regulation sets the standard for electronic identification, electronic signatures, and trust services. It paves the way for delivering...

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3 min read

Digital Identity and eIDAS in Banking

The eIDAS Regulation lays the groundwork for creating a robust digital identity framework. The idea is to provide EU citizens with a secure, robust...

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An 'open' sign hanging in a shop's glass door

2 min read

UK eIDAS and EU eIDAS: Implications for Cross-Border & Digital Transactions

The eIDAS Regulation (No 910/2014) (EU eIDAS) came into force in 2016. It created a Europe-wide legal framework for electronic identification,...

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A group of people in a public space using their smartphones, perhaps to access a mobile e-signature solution

6 min read

How to Enable Legally Binding Mobile E-signatures On Your device

The ever-growing number of applications and uses for mobile devices has long been a hot topic. Using mobiles to electronically sign transactions and...

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2 min read

eIDAS and PSD2 – A perfect symphony in the digital marketplace?

The European Union is leading the way in the move towards the creation of a single digital market. There are many advantages a digital business has...

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