3 min read
What is a Digital Signature? Process and Purpose
In today's fast-paced business world, there is always a need to speed up various processes that are essential for optimising efficiency while still...
3 min read
In today's fast-paced business world, there is always a need to speed up various processes that are essential for optimising efficiency while still...
3 min read
Credit cardholders are generally protected from liability if unauthorized transactions are made with their credit cards because of consumer...
5 min read
When it comes to conducting transactions, the possibility of fraud is always a risk that cannot be overlooked. In person, an individual may present...
3 min read
Non-repudiation is a legal concept that is widely used in information security. It refers to any service which provides proof of the origin of data...
7 min read
Indiana University defines authentication as "the process of determining whether someone or something is who or what it is declared to be."...
4 min read
An interesting case arose in the state of California this year regarding a bankruptcy lawyer who utilized DocuSign for many official legal documents.
3 min read
On July 1st 2016, eIDAS was introduced in the EU to replace the almost 20 year old European Signatures Directive. The directive was originally built...
3 min read
This article sheds light on the two approaches to achieve non-repudiation of an electronic message: non-repudiation of emission and non-repudiation...
3 min read
Election season in the US is upon us - and with it, comes the typical questions of how to secure ballots and prevent voter fraud. In the US, UK, and...