Digital Signatures (6)

Close up of a traditional door key, a USB stick, and a PayPal card

3 min read

What is a Digital Signature? What it Does and How the process Works

In today's fast-paced business world, there is always a need to speed up various processes that are essential for optimising efficiency while still...

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3 min read

Using 3D-Secure and Device Fingerprints for EMV Payments Against CNP Fraud

Credit cardholders are generally protected from liability if unauthorized transactions are made with their credit cards because of consumer...

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Digital Authentication - the basics

5 min read

Digital Authentication - the basics

When it comes to conducting transactions, the possibility of fraud is always a risk that cannot be overlooked. In person, an individual may present...

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The Old Bailey's golden statue of justice see against a cloudy blue sky

3 min read

Do Digital Signatures Provide Non-repudiation?

Non-repudiation is a legal concept that is widely used in information security. It refers to any service which provides proof of the origin of data...

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7 min read

Digital authentication - factors, mechanisms and schemes

Indiana University defines authentication as "the process of determining whether someone or something is who or what it is declared to be."...

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4 min read

US Court Rejects DocuSign E-Signatures for Digital Authorization

An interesting case arose in the state of California this year regarding a bankruptcy lawyer who utilized DocuSign for many official legal documents.

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3 min read

How eIDAS affects the USA

On July 1st 2016, eIDAS was introduced in the EU to replace the almost 20 year old European Signatures Directive. The directive was originally built...

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3 min read

Understanding non-repudiation of origin and non-repudiation of emission

This article sheds light on the two approaches to achieve non-repudiation of an electronic message: non-repudiation of emission and non-repudiation...

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3 min read

E-signatures in elections: The key to preventing voter fraud?

Election season in the US is upon us - and with it, comes the typical questions of how to secure ballots and prevent voter fraud. In the US, UK, and...

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