3 min read
Introducing the Signature Activation Protocol for Remote Signing
This article explains the digital Signature Activation Protocol (SAP) in the context of eIDAS-compliant central signing. It sheds light on its...
3 min read
This article explains the digital Signature Activation Protocol (SAP) in the context of eIDAS-compliant central signing. It sheds light on its...
4 min read
National digital signature schemes that utilize remote electronic signature technology can achieve very high usage rates, whereas Trust Service...
2 min read
In this article, we proposeWhat-You-See-Is-What-You-Timestamp (WYSIWYT) as an attractive alternative to Qualified Electronic Signatures, for certain...
5 min read
Certain industries have a duty to protect confidential information, as well as a requirement for authentication - proving that a document was sent by...
3 min read
With the introduction of PSD2, banks are forced to provide third party payment service providers (PSPs) with access to the bank’s customers’ account...
2 min read
This article describes a model that could enable an electronically signed document to be printed out and used as an original in legal proceedings, in...
5 min read
This article aims to demystify electronic signature UK law and explain how it supports all types of electronic transactions in accordance with UK...
8 min read
PSD2 breaks up the ways in which banks do their business, by forcing them to open up their APIs. By doing so, PSD2 challenges the way in which data...
3 min read
The demand for remote digital signatures to enhance security and customer experience continues to grow across the EU, as the banking and financial...