eIDAS (7)


5 min read

Key Management for GDPR

Introduction Much has already been written about EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on 25th May 2018 to protect EU...

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2 min read

eIDAS and KYC - Facts and Impact

Completely electronic means of identification and authentication are rapidly improving the way companies can offer services to customers digitally.

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Digital Authentication - the basics

5 min read

Digital Authentication - the basics

When it comes to conducting transactions, the possibility of fraud is always a risk that cannot be overlooked. In person, an individual may present...

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The Old Bailey's golden statue of justice see against a cloudy blue sky

3 min read

Do Digital Signatures Provide Non-repudiation?

Non-repudiation is a legal concept that is widely used in information security. It refers to any service which provides proof of the origin of data...

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3 min read

Understanding non-repudiation of origin and non-repudiation of emission

This article sheds light on the two approaches to achieve non-repudiation of an electronic message: non-repudiation of emission and non-repudiation...

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3 min read

E-signatures in elections: The key to preventing voter fraud?

Election season in the US is upon us - and with it, comes the typical questions of how to secure ballots and prevent voter fraud. In the US, UK, and...

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Person using their smartphone to write a digital signature on a blockchain-based app

4 min read

How Digital Signatures and Blockchains Can Work Together

Everywhere you turn in the security world, an interesting word keeps popping up: “Blockchain”. Just like the word “cloud”, this concept has taken...

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3 min read

Using The AdES Standard for Mobile and Distributed Environments

AdES stands for Advanced Electronic Signature, which embraces a family of eIDAS-compliant standards for digital signatures including PAdES, CAdES and...

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What is a Qualified Digital Certificate for Electronic Signatures in eIDAS

2 min read

What is an eIDAS Qualified Certificate for Electronic Signatures?

Under the eIDAS Regulation (EU) No 910/2014, a qualified certificate for electronic signature refers to “a certificate for electronic signatures,...

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