Key Management (4)

3 min read

Payment & Banking Cryptography: The Benefits of z/OS & the Z Platform

This article looks at some reasons for popularity of the IBM mainframe platform in the banking sector and touches upon its limitation for...

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2 min read

Meltdown & Spectre – What you Need to Know about Protecting your Keys

A number of serious security vulnerabilities, collectively known under the names of “Meltdown” and “Spectre” [1][2], have recently been discovered in...

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Why a Key Management System Must Understand ANSI X9.24/TR-31 Key Blocks

3 min read

Why Key Management Systems Must Understand ANSI X9.24/TR-31 Key Blocks

The PCI Council requires most actors of payment networks to implement ANSI X9.24/TR-31-compliant key blocks to wrap and securely transmit, transfer,...

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IBM's z15 Mainframe - Security, Resilience and Secure Key Management for Financial Service Platforms

3 min read

IBM z15 Mainframe & Secure Key Management for FS Platforms

Banks continue to feel the profound transformational effects that digital technologies have on their business. This can be seen in the creation and...

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3 min read

What is a Crypto-Abstraction Layer?

A crypto-abstraction layer (CAL) is, in its most general sense, an application programming interface (API) - also known as a library- that hides...

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Introduction to Cryptographic Key Blocks - FAQs

2 min read

Introduction to Cryptographic Key Blocks - FAQs

This article proposes answers to a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about key blocks.

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ANSI X9.24-1-2017: Key Utilization and Storage

3 min read

ANSI X9.24-1-2017: Key Utilization and Storage

This article briefly summarizes the symmetric cryptographic key utilization and storage requirements as described by the ANSI X9.24-1-2017 (part 1)...

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Thales Key Blocks

3 min read

How to use Thales Key Blocks in payShield HSMs

Thales Key Blocks are an essential cryptographic key wrapping format. In comparison to other key block formats, they are proprietary and only work...

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Cryptomathic CKMS: Centralized & Automated Key Management for payShield HSMs

2 min read

Cryptomathic CKMS: Centralized, Automated Key Management for payShield

Banks and financial institutions must adhere to a rigorous set of security and regulatory practices to protect data, communications, and processes.

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