Edlyn Teske

Edlyn has a distinguished career as a Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization and the Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research, University of Waterloo (Canada), until she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, where she worked as Senior Solutions Architect at Cryptomathic and taught German at the GISSV Saturday School. Edlyn currently lives in Leipzig, Germany, working as Senior Cryptography Consultant at Cryptomathic. She is also busy mother of four children ages 11 to 20.

5 min read

Protecting the European Digital Identity Wallet

The European Commission promotes the European Digital Identity wallet (EUDI wallet) as part of its effort to digitize the economy and help foster...

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Explaining the Java ECDSA Critical Vulnerability

3 min read

Explaining the Java ECDSA Critical Vulnerability

On April 19, 2022, information about a severe vulnerability in recent versions of Java shook up the security community.

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Crypto Service Gateway: Enabling Crypto-Agility with the CSG Policy Engine

5 min read

Crypto Service Gateway: Enabling Crypto-Agility with the CSG Policy Engine

Today's businesses rely heavily on cryptography to authenticate people and processes, secure communications, and safeguard critical data.

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5 min read

Beyond the Video-Ident Hack: Securely Sign with a Smile

For trustworthy remote identity verification, a proof of the authenticity of the identity card and of the integrity of its contents is needed, along...

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2 min read

NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization: SIKE Bites the Dust

Just a month ago, NIST announced its selection of three digital signature algorithms and one key establishment mechanism (KEM) for future use in...

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What You See Is What You Timestamp – A Cost-Effective Acceptance Method to Guarantee Non-repudiation document acceptance for Legal Archiving Purposes

2 min read

What You See is What You Timestamp: An Attractive Alternative to QES

In this article, we proposeWhat-You-See-Is-What-You-Timestamp (WYSIWYT) as an attractive alternative to Qualified Electronic Signatures, for certain...

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3 min read

NIST Releases Quantum-Resistant Cryptography Standards. Act Now!

An over five-year-long process has come to a preliminary end: On July 5, 2022, NIST issued the long-awaited announcement of the winners of Round 3 of...

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NIST PQC Finalists Update: It’s Over For The Rainbow

4 min read

NIST PQC Finalists Update: It’s Over For The Rainbow

Last month, one of the three NIST finalists for post-quantum signature schemes received its final nail in the coffin: Ward Beullens, a PostDoc at IBM...

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Building Security Systems for the Internet of Things and Crypto Agility

4 min read

Crypto Agility and IoT: Building Security Systems

There is no silver bullet when it comes to securing “the” Internet of Things; instead, a careful analysis of the individual application is needed. In...

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