Gaurav Sharma (guest)

Gaurav Sharma has been working as an independent financial and business consultant and strategist for the past three years. He works with fintech startups, wealth management firms, international banks, consulting companies and multi strategy investment funds. Gaurav assists his clients with financial strategy and investment analysis, drawing on his experience of managing a diverse array of Fortune Global 500 clients from across the globe. He also loves to write about innovations and cyber-security in financial technology and banking. Gaurav has six years of international banking experience (Standard Chartered Bank and Citi). He has covered the entire gamut of banking products with experience in corporate finance, trade finance, derivatives, risk management and so on. Gaurav is a Certified Financial Risk Manager and a CFA Level III candidate. He holds an Engineering Degree in Computer Science and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management in Kozhikode.


3 min read

eIDAS – Digitisation of the on-boarding process Part 2 - The Process

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the objectives or motives behind having an eIDAS-enabled digital onboarding process. In Part 2, we look at the...

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2 min read

Consumer Financial Services Action Plan - An Introduction

The EU single market produces an unmatched € 15trillion worth of goods and services annually. Such a large and unified market presents many...

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3 min read

eIDAS – Digitisation of the On-boarding Process Part 1 - Objectives

The initial client on-boarding procedure is crucial for both banks and their clients. For banks, the efficiency and speed of the process can leave a...

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3 min read

eIDAS Enabled Solutions:  Market and Stakeholders Analysis

The ultimate aim of regulations like eIDAS is the creation of a true Digital Single Market (DSM). eIDAS plays its role by providing the necessary...

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A crowd of people gathered outside a neo-classical building in a European city, holding royal blue balloons

3 min read

The UUM&DS Project – How eIDAS Improves the EU’s Customs Interface

With each passing year, the volume of international trade in goods and services keeps rising. With all of this trade, however, comes an associated...

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3 min read

Examining the Impact of eIDAS - Part 1

The eIDAS regulation is a key foundational stone in creating the pan-European Digital Single Market. It provides the essential elements to build a...

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Taking Stock – How is eIDAS stacking up for SMEs? (Part 2)

3 min read

Taking Stock – How is eIDAS stacking up for SMEs? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of our article, we briefly summarised the challenges faced in the uptake of eIDAS services for SMEs. A study conducted for the European...

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3 min read

Connecting Europe - eInvoicing and eIDAS

The EU has launched a number of initiatives to realize the aim of creating a unified Digital Single Market. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a...

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3 min read

eIDAS & RTS for Strong Customer Authentication

The Delegated Regulation on Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) by the European Commission aims to facilitate Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)...

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