3 min read

Secure BYOK Service for AWS Applications

This article discusses using Cryptomathic’s BYOK and key management service for securely managing cryptographic keys used in AWS applications.

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eSigning High-Value Documents - Prioritizing Security In The Digital Era

3 min read

eSigning High-Value Documents - Prioritizing Security In The Digital Era

As certain industries are moving ahead with digital transformation projects, online signing processes are a step forward in optimizing business...

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Explaining the Java ECDSA Critical Vulnerability

3 min read

Explaining the Java ECDSA Critical Vulnerability

On April 19, 2022, information about a severe vulnerability in recent versions of Java shook up the security community.

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PCI PIN Requirements for Key Blocks in the Payment Card Industry - FAQs

3 min read

Key blocks and PCI PIN requirements: FAQs

This article proposes a few answers to a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about key blocks and their use with PCI.

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Racks of servers supporting a secure signature creation device

3 min read

What is a Secure Signature Creation Device? Types and Requirements

As defined by Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 (eIDAS), which took effect on 1 July 2016, an electronic signature creation device is software or hardware...

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Crypto Service Gateway: Enabling Crypto-Agility with the CSG Policy Engine

5 min read

Crypto Service Gateway: Enabling Crypto-Agility with the CSG Policy Engine

Today's businesses rely heavily on cryptography to authenticate people and processes, secure communications, and safeguard critical data.

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3 min read

A Three-pronged Approach to Increasing eIDAS Trust Services Uptake

The last few years have been exciting for all stakeholders involved in the implementation and use of the eIDAS toolbox. Some important milestones...

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Cryptomathic joins the Cloud Signature Consortium

2 min read

Cryptomathic joins the Cloud Signature Consortium as Executive Member

As a leader in qualified remote signing, Cryptomathic is pleased to announce that it has joined the Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC), a global group...

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EMV Payment Security - Acquirers

4 min read

EMV Payment Security - Acquirers

In the “four corner model”, acquirers are apparently the less active party as their role seems ‘only’ to forward the transaction flow originating...

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