Digital Signatures vs Wet Signing: The Implications Of Alleged Forged Signatures During The Home Buying Process

3 min read

Digital vs Wet Signatures: The Impact of Forgery On House Buying

Mortgage fraud is a serious crime. Once executed and signed, a mortgage deed is a legally binding contract. The responsibility of trying to prove...

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Agile Cryptography for Turnaround Business Models of Retail Banks

5 min read

Agile Cryptography for Turnaround Business Models of Retail Banks

Going forward, it is imperative for existing banks to develop a strategy for sustaining their current operations and expanding in a digitized,...

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3 min read

Schrems II Slows AWS Adoption for Danish Education & Pension Services

For over two years, the Schrems II decision from the European Court of Justice has caused tremors in IT departments across EU countries, such as...

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5 min read

Beyond the Video-Ident Hack: Securely Sign with a Smile

For trustworthy remote identity verification, a proof of the authenticity of the identity card and of the integrity of its contents is needed, along...

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What Do Companies Perceive as the Most Important Encryption Features?

5 min read

What Do Companies Perceive as the Most Important Encryption Features?

The need for certain encryption technology features can vary from company to company, depending on their individual needs for securing their data.

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3 min read

EMV: The Fraud Bulldozer

These days everyone has a stake in Chip and PIN security - it can be the topic of the over-the-counter conversation as you pay, of the boardroom...

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5 min read

Centralized Authentication and Signing for E-Government

Achieve Non-Repudiation of Origin (NRO) and Non-Repudiation of Emission (NRE)

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3 min read

International Trade – Building Trust with eIDAS (Part 1 of 2)

International trade is based on the concept of trust. In situations where there isn’t some established trust, the trading parties get their...

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4 min read

How to Reduce Cryptography-Risks related to PCI DSS

The payment card industry data security standard (PCI DSS) calls for all financial institutions and merchants to protect their client's sensitive...

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