Summary of the Practical Key Management Challenges Behind Symmetric Cryptography in Financial Institutions 

3 min read

Symmetric Cryptography in Financial Institutions: Key Management Challenges

This article addresses some of the challenges of symmetric cryptography as applied in banks, describing how it works and what are its unbeaten...

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ANSI X9.24-1-2017: Key Loading

2 min read

ANSI X9.24-1-2017: Key Loading

The ANSI X9.24-1-2017 standard defines the requirements for the loading of key components or shares, and the loading of cleartext keys. The loading...

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NIST PQC Finalists Update: It’s Over For The Rainbow

4 min read

NIST PQC Finalists Update: It’s Over For The Rainbow

Last month, one of the three NIST finalists for post-quantum signature schemes received its final nail in the coffin: Ward Beullens, a PostDoc at IBM...

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When Will Quantum Computing Arrive and How Will It Impact Cybersecurity?

4 min read

What is Quantum Computing And How Will It Impact Cybersecurity?

For years, there has been persistent chatter that quantum computing is coming and that organizations should be prepared for its arrival. But what...

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An 'open' sign hanging in a shop's glass door

2 min read

UK eIDAS and EU eIDAS: Implications for Cross-Border & Digital Transactions

The eIDAS Regulation (No 910/2014) (EU eIDAS) came into force in 2016. It created a Europe-wide legal framework for electronic identification,...

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Crypto-Agility in the Advent of Post Quantum Computing

5 min read

Crypto-Agility in the Advent of Post Quantum Computing

There is no question that quantum computing is coming. However, organizations need to question themselves as to whether they will be vulnerable to...

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Understanding NIST’s Process on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) Standardization

3 min read

Examining the NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process

Most current public-key cryptography (asymmetric) algorithms are vulnerable to attack from large-scale quantum computers. In its efforts to...

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2 min read

Q: What's in a Logo? A: Mathematics

Maybe you have wondered where our logo comes from and what it actually means. If you have, we hope the following will answer these questions. Just as...

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Steps to reach crypto agility to get prepared for quantum computing

3 min read

Steps to reach crypto agility to get prepared for quantum computing

As the scientific community continues to push towards achieving quantum computing on a mass scale, smart companies are busy making preparations for...

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