2 min read

Why Emulator Detection is Essential for Mobile Banking and Payment App Security

Attacks on mobile banking and payment applications frequently begin with the use of an emulator for the mobile operating system, where the targeted...

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A group of people in a public space using their smartphones, perhaps to access a mobile e-signature solution

6 min read

How to Enable Legally Binding Mobile E-signatures On Your device

The ever-growing number of applications and uses for mobile devices has long been a hot topic. Using mobiles to electronically sign transactions and...

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2 min read

eIDAS and PSD2 – A perfect symphony in the digital marketplace?

The European Union is leading the way in the move towards the creation of a single digital market. There are many advantages a digital business has...

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6 min read

Cryptographic Key Management - the Risks and Mitigation

With the growing need for cryptography solutions to protect digital assets and communications, the ever-present security holes in modern computer...

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Manage, Handle and Control Your Own Key in the MS Azure Key Vault

3 min read

Manage, Handle and Control Your Own Key in the MS Azure Key Vault

Microsoft’s Azure Key Vault Managed HSM allows customers to safeguard their cryptographic keys for their cloud applications and be...

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5 min read

Turning Cryptography into a Service - Part 2

Part 2 – Accelerating Time-to-Market With the increase in e-commerce and electronic communications on the one hand and the growing challenges of...

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Payment & Banking Cryptography: An Overview of the Benefits of z/OS and the Z Platform

4 min read

Payment & Banking Cryptography: The Benefits of z/OS & the Z Platform

This article looks at some reasons for popularity of the IBM mainframe platform in the banking sector and touches upon its limitation for...

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2 min read

Meltdown & Spectre – What you Need to Know about Protecting your Keys

A number of serious security vulnerabilities, collectively known under the names of “Meltdown” and “Spectre” [1][2], have recently been discovered in...

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3 min read

What the European Interoperability Framework & eIDAS Means for You

The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) adopted in 2017 is the primary thrust in the EU’s effort to improve the efficiency of public service...

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