All Trains Cancelled: How an e-Signature Failure Derailed a €3bn Swiss-Austrian Transport Deal

6 min read

How an e-Signature Failure Derailed a €3bn Swiss-Austrian Transport Deal

Last week order for 186 double-decker trains was nullified due to a legal formality surrounding the Qualified Electronic Signature used to ink the...

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5 min read

Maximizing Payment Card Industry (PCI) & Cryptographic System Security

This article talks about how different factors and controls can affect the strength and effectiveness of a cryptographic system's security. It gives...

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3 min read

How FinTechs can benefit from the European eIDAS Regulation

The financial service industry has always been innovator in technology adoption. This is not surprising considering the nature of the industry with...

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eIDAS and the Globalisation of Trust

3 min read

eIDAS and the Globalisation of Trust

Globalization has continued its inexorable march over the last decades. The movement of everything from capital, labor, ideas, goods, and services...

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4 min read

Where 2FA and PKI Meet

Under pressure from sophisticated attacks and rising fraud, many B2C organisations of the financial industry are currently enhancing the static...

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ANSI X9.24-1-2017: Key Utilization and Storage

3 min read

ANSI X9.24-1-2017: Key Utilization and Storage

This article briefly summarizes the symmetric cryptographic key utilization and storage requirements as described by the ANSI X9.24-1-2017 (part 1)...

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2 min read

Case Study – Fully digital trade transactions

Great strides have been made in the retail banking and payments space via innovative financial technology products. However, in the corporate banking...

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3 min read

Leading the Digital Change, Part 3 – Successful Collaborations

In Part 2 of our series on the success of electronic IDs in the Nordic countries, we looked at what has made these schemes so successful with near...

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6 min read

epassport inspection: The Need for Speed

Ever since the EU mandated the introduction of biometric ePassports containing fingerprints there has been a flurry of technology development and...

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