Air India's Massive Data Breach - Compliance to Major Rules of Data Security of More Important than Ever

4 min read

Air India's Data Breach - data security is more crucial than ever.

Recent global events have demonstrated that high-profile hackers and state-sponsored security breaches have been steadily increasing since 2020. It...

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Payment Security and Key Blocks: Why are key blocks so secure?

2 min read

Payment Security and Key Blocks: Why are key blocks so secure?

How can keys be securely exchanged over potentially unprotected channels? The answer to this question is “key blocks”. A key block is an essential...

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3 min read

The Federation of eID Providers: A Polish Perspective

The growth of electronic identification systems has been different for each European country during the past several years. European countries have...

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Centralized-Key-Management-Systems-Challenges-Opportunities-for-the-Next -Decade-Cryptomathic

3 min read

Centralized Key Management Systems: Challenges and Opportunities

Over the last 10 years, enterprises have moved on from decentralized and distributed key management to centralized key management systems to provide...

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5 min read

Introducing a PCI DSS compliant Key Management System to a Bank

A key management system is a critical component in achieving PCI DSS compliance for a banking institution. It involves implementing a crypto system...

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eIDAS - What You See is What Your Sign (WYSIWYS) for Non-Repudiation

3 min read

eIDAS - What You See is What You Sign (WYSIWYS) for Non-Repudiation

What You See is What Your Sign (WYSIWYS) is a term that is used to describe an enhanced level of data integrity within a digital signature system....

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Cryptomathic Integrates with CyberArk to Enable HSM-as-a-Service in Tier-One German Bank

1 min read

Cryptomathic Integration Enables HSM-as-a-Service at German Bank

Cryptomathic has completed a successful integration of its centralized HSM and cryptography management platform, Crypto Service Gateway (CSG), with...

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3 min read

Examining the Impact of eIDAS - Part 1

The eIDAS regulation is a key foundational stone in creating the pan-European Digital Single Market. It provides the essential elements to build a...

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4 min read

Integrating Microsoft Banking Accelerator with On-prem Key Management

The cloud services provided by Microsoft Dynamics 365 are gaining rapid market share in the banking world. A burning question for the security...

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