
4 min read

Enterprise-grade code signing: Securing the Signing Process

This article outlines the importance of code signing and describes a centralized approach for securing and streamlining the code signing process...

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3 min read

Key Management in a Multi-Cloud Environment - A blessing or a curse?

Most people will probably agree that encrypting your sensitive data is the right thing to do. Not only is it the technique of choice to meet multiple...

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2 min read

High-Security Cryptographic Key Management for the Hybrid-Cloud User

When migrating their business-critical applications and cryptography to the cloud, banks and financial institutions face a number of concerns. The...

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3 min read

Managing Keys for ATM Remote Key Loading using CKMS

ATM Remote Key Loading has become a common practice in the industry. Yet managing the top-level keys to establish trust between the Host and the ATM...

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Taking Stock – How is eIDAS stacking up for SMEs? (Part 2)

3 min read

Taking Stock – How is eIDAS stacking up for SMEs? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of our article, we briefly summarised the challenges faced in the uptake of eIDAS services for SMEs. A study conducted for the European...

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Misuse of X.509 Certificates & Keys Involved in SolarWinds Attack

3 min read

Misuse of X.509 Certificates & Keys Involved in SolarWinds Attack

This article discusses the misuse of X.509 certificates and keys in the SolarWinds attack and how Cryptomathic CKMS and CSG could help protect...

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3 min read

Connecting Europe - eInvoicing and eIDAS

The EU has launched a number of initiatives to realize the aim of creating a unified Digital Single Market. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a...

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3 min read

How to Simplify Key Management System Compliance Audits

This article explains some of the cryptographic key management tasks involved in demonstrating and proving compliance to acceptable standards, and...

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3 min read

eIDAS & RTS for Strong Customer Authentication

The Delegated Regulation on Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) by the European Commission aims to facilitate Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)...

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