
4 min read

General Concepts of Application Hardening for Mobile Banking Apps

Application hardening for mobile apps refers to implementing security measures to protect apps against reverse-engineering or tampering. In this...

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Key Management and use cases for HSMs

6 min read

Key Management and use cases for HSMs

With the rise of e-commerce, corporations and banks were able to more easily expand their businesses and services around the world.

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3 min read

Understanding PCI PTS HSM

PCI PTS HSM compliance is mandated on banks, acquirers, processors and all other players involved in payment card systems. This article explores the...

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4 min read

Understanding the Card Payment Environment and Symmetric Key Use

The standard, ANSI X9.24-1-2017 part 1 has been written to provide minimum symmetric key management requirements and guidelines for the retail...

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2 min read

An Introduction into ANSI X9.24-1-2017 part 1

ANSI X9.24-1-2017 part 1 is a standard that deals with symmetric key management techniques for retail financial services.

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Differences between Hash functions, Symmetric & Asymmetric Algorithms

4 min read

Differences between Hash functions, Symmetric & Asymmetric Algorithms

Cryptographic algorithms can be categorized into three classes: hash functions, symmetric, and asymmetric algorithms. This article sheds light on...

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5 min read

Key Types and Crypto-Periods: NIST Key Management Recommendations

This article introduces and classifies cryptographic key types and crypto-periods as suggested by NIST, based on proven best practices for key...

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3 min read

How eIDAS is Levelling the Playing Field for Small Businesses

SME’s are the backbone of any economy. They provide jobs to a broad cross-section of society and strengthen the economic foundation of nations. The...

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3 min read

NIST & FIPS Considerations for EMV Tokenization

In this article, we will review some of the constraints of an EMV tokenization solution when it comes to FIPS and more generally, NIST considerations.

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