EBA’s opinion on elements of Strong Customer Authentication under PSD2 – Part 2 – Possession and Knowledge

3 min read

EBA On Customer Authentication Under PSD2: Possession & Knowledge

Financial institutions and solution providers are busy implementing the requirements of Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) under the Revised...

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High level workflow

3 min read

Cryptomathic & QES Launch Mobile Digital Onboarding Solution at Branch

The new digital portal streamlines banking client onboarding while addressing AML, eIDAS, and PSD2 requirements.

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7 min read

Compliant eID Verification & Onboarding for Financial Institutions

This article discusses the benefits eIDs provide for both banks and customers in streamlining cross-border transactions and what is required under...

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5 min read

Technologies Behind Tokenization For Card Payments And PCI-DSS

The EMV consortium released several standards detailing how “network” tokenization should be handled. There is now a general consensus within the...

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6 min read

The Challenges and advantages of EMV Tokenization

EMV is short for EUROPAY-VISA-MASTERCARD. This term is used to refer to standards that have been designed to improve the security of credit and debit...

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3 min read

Key Meta-Data: Why It’s Important and How to Manage It

This article explains the concept of meta-data in the context of cryptographic keys, explaining why it is used and the necessity to manage it well.

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What is Banking-Grade Tokenization According to PCI DSS

4 min read

What is Banking-Grade Tokenization According to PCI DSS

The concept of a token has been used in the digital world for almost 50 years to separate and protect real data elements from exposure. In recent...

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Toy robot writing its signature on a paper notepad, representing the concept of digital signatures and PKCS 7

4 min read

An Introduction to Digital Signatures and PKCS #7

In many parts of the world, including the European Union and the United States, businesses have adopted digital signing as a way to implement...

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4 min read

Which Trust Service Providers Support Remote QES Services?

The following content is an introduction to trust services and remote Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES) according to the eIDAS regulation and...

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