3 min read

Using The AdES Standard for Mobile and Distributed Environments

AdES stands for Advanced Electronic Signature, which embraces a family of eIDAS-compliant standards for digital signatures including PAdES, CAdES and...

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3 min read

The Role of Central Signing and Authentication in e-Government Security

Year after year, more stories surface about large scale data loss from e-government systems across the world.

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2 min read

Expert’s Guidelines on how to document a Key Management System

This article discusses the importance and usage of documentation for a key management system within an organization.

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5 min read

Non-Repudiation of Origin and Non-Repudiation of Emission for Banks

Have you ever heard the kind of sweet and innocent voice saying, “I didn’t eat my brother’s ice cream”, while the kid’s mouth and t-shirt are covered...

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4 min read

Cryptographic Key Management Policy: a layered approach

This article discusses the functions and use of hierarchical layers when establishing a cryptographic key management policy, and how the policy...

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2 min read

Whitfield Diffie: the well-deserved laureate of the 2015 Turing Award

On June 11, 2016, Whitfield Diffie, a Technical Advisory Board member at Cryptomathic, and Martin E. Hellman, Professor Emeritus of Electrical...

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What is a Qualified Digital Certificate for Electronic Signatures in eIDAS

2 min read

What is an eIDAS Qualified Certificate for Electronic Signatures?

Under the eIDAS Regulation (EU) No 910/2014, a qualified certificate for electronic signature refers to “a certificate for electronic signatures,...

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1 min read

The eIDAS regulation is officially here

On 1 July 2016, the eIDAS Regulation officially replaces EU 1999/93 Directive for providing governance over electronic identification and trust...

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2 min read

Trust Service Providers according to eIDAS

Under Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 (eIDAS), a Trust Service Provider (TSP) is defined as “a natural or a legal person who provides one or more trust...

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