
2 min read

eIDAS: Driving Business Through Transparency

eIDAS has brought a breath of fresh air to a darker aspect of the technological sector; it’s taken a subject that is sometimes surrounded by a cloud...

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3 min read

The eIDAS regulation is coming. How can banks benefit from it?

As of 1st July 2016, the first phase of the EU’s new regulation on electronic identification (eIDAS) will become enforceable. But amid all the...

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A large red shipping container with eIDAS printed on the side, representing an Associated Signature Container

3 min read

What is an Associated Signature Container and How Does it Work?

When an electronic signature is created, it must be associated to the data that it is being used to secure. This is accomplished by creating a data...

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A raised Swiss flag seen in front of the snow-capped alps, waving gently in the breeze

4 min read

Understanding ZertES, the Swiss Federal Law on Electronic Signatures

On December 19, 2003, ZertES, the Swiss Federal law regarding the use of certification services with electronic signatures was approved into law.

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2 min read

Will eIDAS spur innovation for your company?

Technology is constantly introducing the business world to new tools, processes, and analytics that transform the way people conduct business....

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3 min read

What Is An Electronic Signature Policy?

This article explains what an electronic signature policy is from the perspective of a CISO or other person required to maintain information security.

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4 min read

Introduction into XAdES for Trust Service Providers

The term XAdES stands for XML Advanced Electronic Signatures, which specifies a set of extensions that are used with the W3C recommendation for XML...

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2 min read

Is the NIST Digital Signature Standard DSS legally binding?

Under the Computer Security Act of 1987, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was authorized to approve standards and set...

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3 min read

Introduction into CAdES for Trust Service Providers

The term CAdES stands for CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures. The Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) provides a framework for digitally signed...

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