Secure Your Data in Azure with External Key Management and BYOK

1 min read

Secure Your Data in Azure with External Key Management and BYOK

Data security can be complex, but it's essential in today's business world, especially when using cloud services. One effective approach is adopting...

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Key Management for Hosted Hardware Security Modules and PQC

2 min read

Key Management for HSMS and post-quantum cryptography

In today's fast-evolving digital landscape, robust key management has become an essential part of securing sensitive data and communications. The...

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1 min read

How secure-by-design key management helps mitigate Storm-0558 attacks

Over the course of a month in May/June 2023, hundreds of thousands of emails belonging to Microsoft customers were exposed to a hacker labelled...

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2 min read

HSM remote key loading using CKMS and PCI-certified KLD

Hardware security modules (HSMs) are physical devices that provide cryptographic functions such as encryption/decryption and digital signing. They...

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Secure BYOK for AWS Simple Storage Services (S3)

3 min read

Secure BYOK for AWS Simple Storage Services (S3)

Cloud storage via AWS Storage Services is a simple, reliable, and scalable way to store, retrieve and share data. As a third-party cloud vendor, AWS...

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Crypto Service Gateway: Enabling Crypto-Agility with the CSG Policy Engine

5 min read

Crypto Service Gateway: Enabling Crypto-Agility with the CSG Policy Engine

Today's businesses rely heavily on cryptography to authenticate people and processes, secure communications, and safeguard critical data.

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4 min read

How to Reduce Cryptography-Risks related to PCI DSS

The payment card industry data security standard (PCI DSS) calls for all financial institutions and merchants to protect their client's sensitive...

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EMV Payment Security - Issuers

3 min read

EMV Payment Security - Issuers

An issuer is one of the corners in the ‘four corner’ model. An issuer is a financial organization (e.g. a bank) that produces payment cards and...

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3 min read

How to Deploy and Manage Cryptography in a Project the Right Way

With the ever increasing number of online services and electronic transactions, business owners are becoming ever more dependent on the use...

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